Imagine these photos of your mum while she was growing you in her belly in years and years to come.

When you are grown and maybe growing and carrying a baby yourself. Just imagine.

Although respectfully not for everyone and I wholeheartedly get it.

It can be hard to love your new, changing and growing skin.

But it should be well and truly celebrated. Pictures or not.

This was Allira's third baby. I floated a couple of 'creative' ideas to her, and she was keen. Just happy to follow my lead.

While this kind of collection doesn't necessarily reflect motherhood. It sort of was never intended to.

THEY ARE GROOVY AF PHOTOS (which was the brief) and COOL PHOTOS just don't need any other reason.

One thing led to another. A couple of hours of gal time, catching up later. This is what happened.

She carries babies so gloriously. She is bloody glorious and I was in my visual dream.